Why You Might Need a Surgical Root Canal 

Are you having symptoms of a tooth infection despite having a traditional root canal done? You may need what’s known as a surgical root canal or apicoectomy. This endodontic procedure removes root tips that are infected, allowing you to keep your tooth and experience pain relief. Our dentist in Thornton, CO, Dr. Robert McBride, offers this treatment. Here’s when we might recommend this approach.

Repeat or Ongoing Infections

Do you keep getting an infection in the same tooth? Or do you have an infection that isn’t improving? A standard root canal might not provide you with the result needed to prevent this from happening. Or you might end up with another infection if bacteria enters your tooth again. A surgical root canal can help correct this and prevent additional infections.

Narrow Root Canals

You might have calcium deposits in your canals, causing them to be narrower than normal. In this case, a traditional root canal might not be adequate for removing infected material. Having an apicoectomy done allows Dr. McBride to thoroughly clean these canals — keeping additional infections at bay.

Diagnostic Reasons

X-rays might not provide us with the details needed to diagnose problems with your tooth. We might have you undergo a surgical root canal that allows us to diagnose the issue, such as a small fracture that isn’t showing up on X-rays.

Damaged Areas

If your tooth root has damaged parts or if there’s damage in the bone surrounding the tooth, Dr. McBride may recommend an apicoectomy to treat these areas.

Visit Us for Root Canal Treatment

Do you have an infected tooth even after a traditional root canal? At Colorado Root Canal Specialist, Dr. McBride performs surgical root canals in Thornton, CO, to remove infected root tips — and keep infections from coming back!

Debunking Common Root Canal Myths

Have you been told that you need a root canal? For many patients, this is a fearful experience due to many myths surrounding this procedure. Colorado Root Canal Specialist wants to debunk these myths so you can feel confident in getting the treatment you need.

I Don’t Need a Root Canal if My Tooth Doesn’t Hurt

While most people find out they need a root canal because of severe tooth pain, it’s possible to have deep decay that’s not causing discomfort. If your tooth’s pulp is infected or damaged, you likely need a root canal to save the tooth and prevent complications.

Root Canals Cause Serious Illness

Some patients believe that root canals cause cancer or other systemic diseases or open the door to these problems in the future. This myth is based on research studies, but those research studies were poorly done and have been debunked. Today, scientists and dentists have found no evidence linking root canal procedures to serious disease.

Pulling the Tooth is Safer

Some patients will choose to pull a tooth instead of having a root canal. While this can be a valid option for diseased teeth, saving the natural tooth with help from yourThornton, CO, dentist, is almost always a better choice. Pulling teeth can allow the surrounding teeth to move and shift, which hurts your bite, unless you invest in a crown or bridge to fill that gap.

Root Canals Destroy the Tooth’s Root

This myth comes from the name, but in reality, the roots of the teeth stay in place during a root canal. Rather than disrupting the roots, this treatment removes the pulp and fills in the tooth to protect it.

If you are considering a root canal, a skilled endodontist is an important person to have on board. Reach out to Colorado Root Canal Specialist to schedule treatment.

What to Expect With Root Canal Recovery

The thought of having a root canal in Thornton, CO isn’t something that anyone looks forward to. But if you consider how much pain and discomfort is relieved by the root canal, you could easily look at it like one of the best dental treatments you’ve ever had. Of course, a person doesn’t just walk out of a root canal appointment feeling like a new person…quite yet. Recovery might take a few days. Here’s what to expect with root canal recovery.

Swelling and Inflammation

Now’s not the time to have that important work photo session. For a few days, you’ll probably have a swollen face and jaw, much like you would if you had someone punch you in the face. The swelling will go down quickly, however, so there’s no need to schedule plastic surgery! To help reduce swelling, you can apply a cold compress to your cheek near the treated area. For the inflammation, try sticking to a soft food diet for a few days. That can minimize irritation and protect the tooth while it heals. Foods like soup, yogurt, mashed potatoes and smoothies are good options during this time.

Discomfort Will Fade

Within a week or two, most of the discomfort will fade, and you’ll be able to return to your normal activities, including appearing in public. However, if you experience severe pain, swelling that doesn’t improve, or signs of infection such as fever, you should contact your dentist immediately. Your recovery from a root canal procedure shouldn’t last more than a week. If it does, you might need additional treatment.

In the long term, a root canal can save your tooth and prevent more serious dental issues. With proper care and regular check-ups, the treated tooth should last many years, allowing you to maintain a healthy, pain-free smile. Contact your Thornton, CO dentist today to learn more!

Can a Root Canal Save Your Tooth

If your mouth is in pain, you should see adentist in Thornton, CO, immediately. You might need a root canal. A root canal is a relatively simple procedure. But can a root canal save your tooth?

Can a Root Canal Save Your Tooth?

Yes, it absolutely can (in most cases)! Even if you have extensive tooth decay, tooth damage, or other problems, in most cases, having a root canal performed can save your natural tooth. But it must be accompanied by the right dental treatment.

How a Root Canal Procedure Can Restore Your Natural Tooth

A root canal procedure removes the root of your tooth. After numbing the affected tooth area, your dentist will drill an access hole into the top of your tooth. This hole is how the dentist will remove the infected root (pulp) in your tooth. They will then dry the root canal. After that, the dentist will fill your root canal with a thermoplastic material. That material will be heated and compressed to your tooth. The heat is what seals it. The seal is also what keeps your tooth from becoming infected again. Lastly, your dentist will place a dental crown over the remainder of your natural tooth.

You might feel a little discomfort. However, the entire procedure is relatively painless.

When Can’t a Root Canal Be Performed?

There might be times when the tooth damage and infection are too severe to save your tooth. This is usually the case once the damage has reached your jawbone. In this case, a root canal can’t be performed.

Looking for a Root Canal Specialist in Thornton, CO?

Don’t let your mouth pain continue even one more day. It might be something as simple as having a root canal to get you back to normal. PleaseContact Colorado Root Canal Specialist today for a diagnosis and treatment recommendation. We would love to help protect your smile!

4 Questions to Ask Before Your Root Canal

If you have a dental infection, a root canal is a procedure that can help save your tooth. Before you have a root canal performed, you may have questions about the procedure. Your root canal dentist in Thornton, CO can help.

At Colorado Root Canal Specialist, we provide root canal services. We want to help our patients understand the procedure before it happens. Below are four common questions that patients ask before they undergo a root canal.

1. What Is a Root Canal?

A root canal is a procedure that dentists use to clean out infection inside a tooth. The root canal is generally considered an emergency procedure because dental infections can be a serious problem. If you need a root canal, your dentist will likely recommend that you undergo the procedure immediately.

2. What Happens If I Don’t Get a Root Canal?

If you put off getting a root canal, the infection can spread. In some cases, infection from a root canal can spread to other parts of the body. This can put you at risk for health problems unrelated to your tooth. In addition, you may need to have your tooth extracted later.

3. Do Root Canals Hurt?

You may experience discomfort before the root canal begins, but the dentist will numb the area during your root canal. You are unlikely to feel pain during the root canal.

4. How Long Does It Take to Recover From a Root Canal?

Recovery periods can vary, but most people recover after a week. If you need a root canal in Thornton, CO, call your dentist at Colorado Root Canal Specialist. We can help.

What to Do If You Have Severe Pain After a Root Canal

Pain after a root canal can be confusing for many people. On one hand, root canals have long been associated with discomfort, which can lead patients to assume that their experiences are normal. However, there’s more to the story than this. If you’re having severe pain, we’ll look at why this might be and what you can do.

What Type of Pain Is Normal After a Root Canal

A root canal is a fairly invasive procedure in the dental world, which means that some discomfort is entirely normal. If the tooth is sore and tender but you can manage it with over-the-counter oral anesthetics or painkillers, it’s not a cause for concern. While everyone’s pain tolerance is different, the general idea is that you shouldn’t be concerned just because it hurts to chew or you have a dull ache in the background.

What Constitutes Severe Pain?

root canal specialist in Thornton, CO, will tell you that if you can’t go about your everyday life because you’re in too much pain, it’s time to call the dentist. In the case of moderate pain after a root canal, you may just need a prescription painkiller rather than an over-the-counter version. In the case of truly severe pain, though, you may have an infection or complication that needs immediate treatment from a dentist. It’s worth noting that these issues are rare, but they do happen.

When to See a Root Canal Specialist in Thornton

If you’re experiencing severe pain and need a root canal treatment in Thornton, CO, you may want to consider seeing a new practice. At Colorado Root Canal Specialist, our staff can examine you to see whether you need additional care to address the pain and protect the tooth in question.

Benefits You Can Expect from a Root Canal

When people talk about getting aroot canal in Thornton, CO, they often focus on the expected discomfort of the procedure. However, painful root canals are no longer a reality. According to the American Association of Endodontics, the procedure is virtually painless and produces less discomfort than a tooth extraction.

What is the Purpose of a Root Canal?

The inside of each tooth contains a chamber with blood vessels and pulp. If the blood vessels or pulp become infected, you can experience significant pain. The infection can even spread to other parts of your body or require you to have the tooth removed. A root canal saves your natural tooth and preserves your oral health.

During the procedure, Dr. Robert McBride or Dr. Jacob Surjan uses dental instruments to get inside your tooth and remove the infection. You receive anesthesia at the start of the procedure to ensure your comfort. After removing the diseased pulp, your dentist places a cap over it to prevent future repeat infections.

Benefits of Having a Root Canal

The best outcome of a root canal is saving your natural tooth. Without prompt treatment for the infection, you could experience many additional oral health problems and rack up a large bill. Timely endodontic treatment allows you to continue eating your favorite foods, speak naturally, and display a beautiful smile. Most people with a root canal do not need a second one on the same tooth, although occasional exceptions do occur.

Learn More About Root Canals during a Personal Consultation

We invite you to contact Colorado Root Canal Specialist to set up a time to come in and learn more about the benefits of having aroot canal in Thornton CO. We look forward to helping you feel better.

What Causes Root Canal Failure

You needroot canal retreatment in Thorton, CO, when you start experiencing symptoms in the same tooth that you had previously treated. Although most root canals eliminate the throbbing pain and inflammation present before the first procedure, a small percentage of people do not recover as expected. If you have had a root canal and the pain lingers for weeks or months afterward, please do not hesitate to contact Colorado Root Canal Specialist.

Factors That Lead to the Need for Root Canal Retreatment

Trauma to the mouth after a root canal can cause the original procedure to fail, as can new tooth decay. Committing to good oral healthcare after your procedure is important since plaque can accumulate in your mouth and cause new decay along your gumline.

Dentists place a crown on the treated tooth at the end of each root canal procedure to protect it from further infection. If the seal is not tight enough between the tooth and the crown, the crown can deteriorate, and bacteria can begin forming underneath it.

Recognizing the Signs of a Failed Root Canal

Ongoing pain is an obvious indicator that something is wrong that requires attention from a dentist. Below are several other signs that your root canal may not have worked.

  • Discharge coming through a small crack in your tooth or your gums
  • Pimple or boil on your jaw
  • Repeated sinus infections
  • Sensitivity to hot and cold foods and beverages
  • Swelling in your jaw, gums, or side of your mouth
  • Tooth discoloration

It is important to have these symptoms evaluated right away to determine the cause of them. Even if root canal failure is not the cause of your symptoms, you still need treatment.

Please reach out to the Colorado Root Canal Specialist with additional questions or to schedule a root canal retreatment in Thornton, CO.

How Long to Recover From a Root Canal?

A root canal in Thornton, CO, is done to save a permanent tooth. This treatment has been shown to be highly effective and safe. If you’ve been advised to have a root canal, it helps to know how to prepare, including how long you can expect the recovery period to last.

How Long Does the Recovery Period Last?

Everyone has different pain thresholds. What might be a minor discomfort to one person may feel much more severe to another. Some patients who have had a root canal feel okay returning to work immediately afterward. However, the vast majority of people will want to at least take the rest of the day off to rest and recuperate after a root canal. Nearly everyone can generally expect to feel back to normal after a couple of days. Of course, some follow-up care may be needed, too.

Follow-up Care After a Root Canal

After your root canal, yourThornton, CO root canal specialist will provide you with follow-up care instructions. In general, though, here’s what you need to know.

Pain Management

Over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen can be used to manage pain. If you find you’re experiencing excessive pain, contact your dentist.

Oral Hygiene

Continue brushing, flossing, and rinsing as usual, but be gentle around the tooth that had the root canal treatment. Use a strong, disinfectant mouth rinse to get rid of excess bacteria.

Eating Habits

It’s advisable to eat soft foods for a few days following the procedure to avoid discomfort and to protect the treated area.

Follow-up Visit

Be sure to attend your follow-up visit so your dentist can check on the healing status of your root canal treatment.

To schedule your root canal or to get more of your questions answered about root canals, contact our office today.

5 Benefits of Having a Root Canal

If your dentist in Thornton, CO, has told you that you need to have a root canal, you probably want to weigh the benefits first. Knowing the benefits of having a root canal will assist you when it comes time to make a decision about having it done.

Five Benefits of Having a Root Canal

Here are just some of the benefits of having a root canal.

1. Pain Relief

When you have an infected tooth, you will experience extreme pain. Having a root canal in Thornton, CO, will remove the damaged pulp from that tooth, resulting in instant relief.

2. Natural Tooth Preservation

When your dentist removes the damaged root of your tooth, it will stop further damage to that tooth, resulting in the preservation of your natural tooth.

3. Prevent the Spread of Infection

An infected tooth is loaded with bacteria that will spread to your neighboring teeth and into your bloodstream, where it will continue to spread throughout your body. When this happens, you risk contracting other diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and more.

4. Proper Bite and Chewing

Once you’ve restored your tooth to a healthy state, it will be easier for you to bite and chew your food. This, in turn, will result in you having better digestion.

5. Long-Term Solution

Having a root canal is a long-term solution. A damaged tooth that has been treated with a root canal will help save your tooth. That tooth can then, with the proper care, remain functional throughout your life.

Are You Searching for a Dentist in Thornton, CO?

If you are searching for a dentist in Thornton, CO, please Contact Colorado Root Canal Specialist today. Our number-one concern is helping you and your family maintain happy, healthy smiles for life!