Root Canal FAQ

If you’ve never had a root canal, you may have questions about what the experience is like. If you need a root canal in Thornton CO, knowing what to expect can make the experience overall less scary. In particular, many people who need a root canal want to know whether the experience is painful. The more you know going into the procedure, the better off you are.

Are root canals painful?

Root canals are usually not very painful because the dentist uses local anesthesia to numb the tooth and gums before the root canal takes place. In fact, most people say they experienced little or no pain during their root canal procedure. However, you may be experiencing a lot of pain before the root canal takes place. The faster you get the root canal, the better!

Is it uncomfortable when the procedure is over?

Most people state that if they did experience pain during the root canal, it’s over within about one day of the procedure. If you continue to experience discomfort after your root canal is over, you should talk to your dentist. Your dentist can determine whether something is going wrong.

Can you put off getting a root canal?

Root canals are only necessary when the inside of your tooth has become infected and begun to decay. If you need a root canal, putting it off can lead to further decay, a more severe infection and more pain.

If you put off your root canal, the tooth may become so damaged that it needs to be removed. If you are experiencing severe tooth pain, it’s important to see your root canal specialist in Thornton CO as soon as possible to get your tooth examined.

Are you experiencing severe tooth pain? Need a root canal? Call Colorado Root Canal Specialist

At Colorado Root Canal Specialist, we help patients like you to take care of their teeth when they’re in need of treatment. We perform root canals to help you maintain healthy teeth now and into the future. Call today to make an appointment if you need a root canal.

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